Improve Your Coarse Fishing (UK)



QI’ve heard that you need to use light leads with chod rigs. Is this true? And if so, does the rig notot work as well if I increase the lead size to cast further? Anthony Phillips, via email

DAVE MAGALHAES – I prefer using small leads with chod rigs and don’t feel that it hinders the hooking properties of the rig. I want the lead to lay down gently on top of whatever it is that I am fishing on. I also want to cause as little disturbanc­e as possible. Fishing in this style often means being mobile and reacting to what the fish do. The last thing you want to do is crash three big leads into an area that they are happy feeding in. A large lead will give you more hook-pulls too. That large weight around the carp’s mouth has a tendency to pull the hook out. A smaller lead, doesn’t apply as much pressure and is much better for landing fish.

QI fish a lake that is wellstocke­d with doublefigu­re carp but on the last couple of trips I’ve been getting loads of twitches and bleeps on the alarm but, when I pick up the rod, there’s nothing on the other end! Any idea what could be going on? Edward Brant, via email

MARCUS HOWARTH – It could be small fish tampering with the rigs, or bumping into the line. To discourage smaller fish attacking the rig, I would put on a bigger bait. I have found that this happens when fishing smaller baits, such as bright pop-ups or plastic. I would go down the straight boilie approach and see if it makes any difference. Don’t add any powders, pellets or any other small items, just boilies. If this continues, I would imagine that it is fish knocking the line. If it stops, you know that smaller fish are attacking the hookbait.

QI want to start using fluorocarb­on as a leader. What’s the best knot for attaching it to my mainline and how long should the leader actually be? Reece Evans, Chigboroug­h

SCOTT LLOYD – I use the Allbright knot to attach my leader to the mainline. It is extremely strong and reliable, which is what you want from any leader. It is also a pretty small knot, which makes it less likely to snag when casting out. I use five turns of leader on my spool, as well as the line going down to the rig. It is good having enough leader on, just to make sure everything is pinned down properly.

 ??  ?? Ensure fluorocarb­on leaders reach the spool Using lighter leads will result in fewer hook-pulls Bigger baits like boilies will deter smaller fish
Ensure fluorocarb­on leaders reach the spool Using lighter leads will result in fewer hook-pulls Bigger baits like boilies will deter smaller fish

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