Improve Your Coarse Fishing (UK)

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As a lifelong fly fisherman with a daughter I had resigned myself to the fact she might not be interested in some of my hobbies and as she bloomed into a beautiful young woman her passing interest in fly fishing lessened to no interest. A couple of months ago I was informed that the prodigal daughter was returning from college with her fiance while they looked for a place of their own. The weeks before their arrival was taken up in decorating, making room for their stuff and generally doing what my wife said with as little grumbling as possible. The day of moving in was an edgy affair, him (Stephen) being on best behaviour and me wondering if we would fit everything in. By dinner time it was all over bar the shouting so we had time to relax and have a chat, joking that I didn't think we would get it all in. He mentioned there was just his fishing gear in the van and, like most situations, put two men together who fish and we were immediatel­y at ease with each other with an invite to take me coarse fishing on the Sunday. The amount of gear we were taking for the day amazed me. To cut a long story short, I was overwhelme­d with the variety of fish we had caught, the different techniques, the various rods, rigs and tackle. The baits we used sounded like a mix from a sweet shop and a high end delicatess­en. That evening Stephen and I were chatting like old friends about the day and I promised to take him fly fishing. My wife said she was happy me and Stephen were getting along and I could imagine my daughter saying the same to Stephen. They move out next week, and as much as me and Stephen get on well, I'm glad they are going – I need the space for all the new coarse fishing gear I will be buying. Instead of losing a daughter I have gained a potential son-in-law, a fishing buddy, a teacher in the art of coarse fishing and provider of IYCF, although I suppose I will have to purchase my own soon. I still love my fly fishing but I am completely taken by coarse fishing which seems much more social. Lesson to all young men, take your girlfriend's father fishing!

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