Improve Your Coarse Fishing (UK)

Des Shipp takes the angst out of pole fishing by showing how to select the correct elastic for the job

Brush up on key angling skills with England Internatio­nal Des, to put more fish on the bank



IT’S all well and good getting bites on the pole but if you aren’t using the correct elastic, there is every chance your prized specimen is going to win the battle. There are a wide range of elastics on the market and working out what size of fish you are likely to encounter and of what species should dictate which one you decide to put through your top kit. This month I reveal my top four pole elastic choices for when I am fishing commercial­s.

NOW that you have gained an understand­ing of the pole elastics that will help you put more fish in the net it is time to consider what terminal tackle you will combine them with. It is vital that you balance your tackle or breakages are inevitable when you hook big fish. For example, if you are using a heavy elastic and a really light hooklength you can guarantee the hooklength will break as a big fish surges off because there is no cushion. On the flip side, if your hooklength is heavy but your elastic is too light, it could be the elastic that breaks if a big fish charges off and bottoms it out because that would be the weakest point in the rig.

Balanced tackle is vital and if you combine your elastic with the correct mainline, hooklength and hook size then there is no reason why you can’t land anything you hook. I’ve lost count of the times I have hooked big carp on very light gear and after a long battle they have ended up in the net because my tackle is appropriat­ely balanced.

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