Inside Soap

Ross’ blackmail plot for Robert


- Kate White

There’s big trouble for cheating Robert this week – when Ross realises that he has something major to hide.

After the drama of his one-night stand with Rebecca, Robert is hoping he’s in the clear – especially since he’s managed to persuade Chas to keep quiet about the shocking facts. But while both Rebecca and his mother-in-law have declared that they don’t plan to tell Aaron, Robert hasn’t factored in the wild card that is Ross. And that mistake may cost him dearly…

“If Ross Barton has found an opportunit­y to make some cheeky hush money, he’ll take it!” sniffs our Emmerdale snitch. “Right now, Robert’s number one priority is keeping the Rebecca incident a secret from Aaron, who’s just been released from jail. So when Ross catches wind of what Robert’s been up to, he decides he’s going to make him pay up.”


Aaron and Robert have been overwhelme­d by happiness since their reunion. But their joy has been tinged with sadness, as the news about Liv’s mum Sandra has forced her and Chas to make a mercy dash to look after her. Aaron feels guilty that he’s not there for his sister, but he knows that his prison ordeal and getting his life back together means he needs to be in the village. Doing his part, Robert tries to cheer him up with a picnic, and the couple finally seem to be back on track. That’s until they arrive home and Robert is on the receiving end of shocking news…

“It’s the sort of bombshell that can obliterate their lives,” teases our source. “Robert is going to wish he’d never laid eyes on Rebecca. He made a drunken mistake, but the

The bombshell dropped on Robert is the sort that could obliterate his life...”

trouble with Robert is that he’s always making bad decisions. Ross is going to be hell-bent on making him live to regret this one.”


With Ross demanding to be paid for his silence, and the situation with Rebecca hanging over him like a dark cloud, Robert is in a tight spot. He’s desperate to put distance between himself and his tormentor, so tries to convince Aaron that a trip to see Liv and Chas in Spain is in order. It’s all very confusing for Aaron, who can’t fathom the sudden decision to change their plans – but Robert has little choice.

Meanwhile, Ross is thoroughly enjoying his new role as blackmaile­r. He and Rebecca have enjoyed some wild times together, and his ego is bruised after he realised that he’s not the only man in her life. Ross isn’t above using Rebecca’s life to line his own pockets – it just depends how far he’s willing to push Robert. Has he actually bitten off more than he can chew?

 ??  ?? Ross realises that Robert could be his latest cash cow
Ross realises that Robert could be his latest cash cow
 ??  ??

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