Inside Soap

Peter is arrested for assault!


- Laura Heffernan

Chloe has Peter on the ropes, and he can see no way out of it”

Calculatin­g Chloe makes Peter’s life even more difficult this week – when she convinces the police to apprehend him for assault!

In spite of all Chloe’s meddling, Peter and Toyah are miraculous­ly still together and looking to the future, as they get ready to head to the IVF clinic for the harvesting of Toyah’s eggs. Unfortunat­ely, their happiness is shattered after the cops arrive to question him over Chloe’s cruel claim that he assaulted her. Although Peter has already told his loved ones about the visit he paid Chloe on the night of Ken’s fall, the potential charges become more serious when Chloe claims the assault happened the night before…

“This is a nightmare for Peter,” sighs Chris Gascoyne, who plays him. “Aside from being accused of roughing up Chloe, it puts him in the frame for the attack on Ken!

“The Barlows are turning on each other, because they know one of them must be guilty. They all have a motive and times when they weren’t accounted for – and if the attack happened in the heat of the moment, it could easily have been Peter, since he was so angry with his dad over everything that night.”

Peter is exasperate­d when the police reveal that Chloe is willing to testify against him in court – and the evidence seems to be stacking up as they produce the panicky voicemail Peter left on Simon’s phone the same day Ken took his tumble. With detectives convinced that this proves Peter was planning to do a runner after pushing his dad down the stairs, Peter is intent on proving his innocence.

But can he get out of the sticky web that scorned Chloe has woven around him?

“It’s karma, isn’t it?” grins Chris. “Peter has met his match in Chloe. Not even

Carla or Leanne managed to set him up and destroy his life – he always did that himself! Now this woman who he tried to help has become his worst nightmare, and unfortunat­ely she’s very clever. She’s got Peter on the ropes and he can see no way out.”

Once Peter has filled in Toyah on his dire situation, she goes to speak to Ken, who is so scared of his own family that he won’t even return home.

It’s going to take a lot of work to clear Peter’s name – so with the law breathing down the neck of the wannabe dad, obviously it’s not the best time to be trying for a baby! In any case, Chris reckons that continuing with the IVF could be a bad idea for Peter…

“I’m not sure his heart is in it,” muses the actor. “Peter is doing it for Toyah, and this business with Chloe all started because he was trying to help Toyah realise her dream. I think he’s just convinced himself he wants it as much as she does.”

Will Toyah continue IVF treatment while her man is facing a hefty stint in prison?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Chloe has tied Peter up in knots out of pure vindictive­ness
Chloe has tied Peter up in knots out of pure vindictive­ness
 ??  ?? Toyah and Peter’s bond has been unbreakabl­e – up to this point
Toyah and Peter’s bond has been unbreakabl­e – up to this point

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