Inside Soap

Johnny takes a tumble!


- Allison Jones

The stress of marrying a woman as pushy as Jenny appears to be getting to Johnny this week, as his daughter Kate catches him about to keel over on the cobbles!

When the flustered factory boss dismisses his daughter’s concerns, Kate assumes he’s simply had a few too many at the Rovers – but is he hiding something a lot more serious?

“Jenny’s outrageous Bridezilla demands are enough to put any man’s stamina to the test!” chuckles our spy. “Ever since the moment Johnny was brave enough to propose, Jenny has been on a marital mission and a half, giving him barely a second to breathe as she constantly bombards him with her fancy wedding plans. So it’s no wonder that he might be having a bit of a wobble.”

Unfortunat­ely, when the couple meet with wedding planner Michelle this week following her break away, the pressure grows once more. It doesn’t take Michelle long to notice that peaky Johnny is not quite himself – but all hell breaks loose after she bravely suggests that he’s suffering from a good old-fashioned attack of pre-wedding nerves…

“You can imagine how well that remark goes down with Jenny!” splutters our sneak. “She almost self-combusts at the cheek of Michelle suggesting that her beloved Johnny would have any anxieties about the prospect of being her husband. So in a fit of typically dramatic pique, she sacks stunned Michelle on the spot!”

The concept of Jenny being left to her own devices to organise the wedding of the year is terrifying – and Johnny is well aware of what that will mean for his bank balance. Of course, Jenny wastes no time in Michelle’s absence, and as she tries to corner her poor defenceles­s husbandto-be to discuss her latest plans, Johnny’s distress is abundantly clear – to anyone with sympathy, at least.

Unsurprisi­ngly, Jenny is too distracted to notice – but by the time Kate discovers her dad in a right old state in the street, it’s painfully obvious that something is up.

“As he crosses the road to Underworld, Johnny is stumbling all over the place,” sighs our insider. “Since he’s heading away from the pub, Kate’s initial thought is that her dad has been down the Rovers for too long. She wades straight in and tells him off, but then Johnny takes a

“Kate’s initial worry is that her dad is drunk!”

turn for the worst and comes close to collapsing. Yet even as Kate grabs his arm, he’s still insisting there is nothing for her to worry about.”

When Kate finds out that Johnny has actually been on soft drink, the alarm bells really start to ring. But is his tumble purely down to wedding stress – or is there something more sinister afoot?

 ??  ?? Concerned Kate tries to lift her dad off the cobbles
Concerned Kate tries to lift her dad off the cobbles
 ??  ?? Johnny’s like a rose between two thorns as his wife-to-be sacks Michelle
Johnny’s like a rose between two thorns as his wife-to-be sacks Michelle
 ??  ??

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