Inside Soap


Oliver Farnworth reacts to THAT shock exit…


We were still picking our jaws up from the floor after watching Coronation Street’s double-murder shock when we called Oliver Farnworth, who played doomed Andy, for a debrief. Luckily, he has no hard ‘Phelans’ about his character’s grisly demise… and yes, Andy really is dead this time!

Crikey, Oliver! How did you feel when you learned Phelan would eventually kill Andy?

I had an inkling that things were only going to go one way for him. When I read the final batch of scripts, I was blown away. The hairs on my arms stood up and I thought, ‘Wow, we’re going to do this’!

Was filming the shooting as eerie as it looked on screen?

It really was! We did three night shoots in a row, and pumped the set with smoke and dry ice to create the fog that you saw on screen. It felt very spooky and dramatic!

What are your best memories of working alongside Connor Mcintyre, who plays Phelan?

The laughs that we had in between shooting all the serious stuff – and we’d always give each other a big hug at the end of the day. I feel as if I’ve learned a lot from Connor, and I hope that comes across on screen.

Are you free to finally shave your facial hair now?

I am, although I had grown quite attached to Andy’s beard. I’ve always had a stubbly face, but that was three months in the making!

Will you be tuning in as a viewer to see if Phelan get his comeuppanc­e?

Definitely! I know there’s more drama to come with this story leading up to Christmas and, as ever, you can expect Phelan to be at the centre of it all.

I love watching him, though, so it would be a shame for him to get caught. His demise would be sad for me!

 ??  ?? Andy spent the months before his death as a hostage Will Phelan pay the price for ending poor Andy’s life?
Andy spent the months before his death as a hostage Will Phelan pay the price for ending poor Andy’s life?

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