Inside Soap

Mary & Angie: women at war!


- Laura-jayne Tyler

The tensions between Mary and Angie go through the roof this week – when Mary reports her daughter-in-law for drink-driving!

The drama unfolds after baby George falls ill and Angie insists on taking him to the hospital. However, Mary is convinced that Angie is an alcoholic and in no fit state to be behind the wheel of a car, so she panics…

“Mary is horrified that Angie is prepared to drive when she’s supposedly been drinking,” says star Patti Clare, who plays Mary. “She couldn’t live with herself if there were a crash and anything happened to George, so she honestly believes that she’s doing the right thing by calling the police.”

Of course, Mary has her wires crossed and poor Angie doesn’t have a drink problem at all. In fact, George’s mum has recently confided in a doctor about her fear that she is struggling to bond with her son. So why does Mary jump to the wrong conclusion?

“Mary finds a leaflet that fell out of Angie’s bag, which has advice about heavy drinking,” reveals Patti. “She puts two and two together and comes up with seven, thinking this explains Angie’s strange behaviour. Angie can be distant and distracted at times, so Mary is constantly trying to work out why that is.”

As Mary settles on the idea that Angie’s problems lie at the bottom of a bottle, she organises a dinner party and invites Peter – in the hope that he’ll talk about his battles with the booze, and convince Angie to sober up.

“With the best of intentions, Mary’s motive is to make Angie aware that she has a problem – and in Mary’s world, the best way to do that is to have someone openly share their

Mary honestly believes she is doing the right thing reporting Angie”

own experience of heavy drinking,” cringes Patti. “But of course, with Mary’s usual missing of the mark, it’s all a bit heavy-handed – and Angie is none the wiser as to why she’s there!”

The following day, Angie heads out to lunch with Peter’s wife, Toyah, who she feels comfortabl­e confiding in about the real reason she’s not herself. Toyah goes on to suggest that her new friend may be suffering from post-natal depression, giving Angie food for thought. However, when Mary rushes into the Bistro with the news that George is poorly, Angie’s maternal instincts kick in.

“Mary’s first thought is to find out what’s wrong with the little fellow, as she wants to get to the root of his illness,” shares Patti. “But Dev tells her to get Angie, so she finds her and lets her know exactly what’s happening. Mary realises that George’s symptoms aren’t normal.”

So, when Angie’s response is to jump in her car and take George to A&E, alarm bells sound for Mary as she assumes her daughter-in-law is over the legal alcohol limit. What happens next sees Angie pulled over by the police and asked to take a breath test, before coming to the horrifying realisatio­n that

Mary has reported her.

Will Mary accept that she’s been barking up the wrong tree? And how will her son Jude react when he learns that she’s been meddling again?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Mary has an agenda in inviting Peter and Toyah to dinner with her family
Mary has an agenda in inviting Peter and Toyah to dinner with her family
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Mary blows up the situation by putting the police on Angie’s case
Mary blows up the situation by putting the police on Angie’s case

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