Inside Soap

Blast From The Past with Adele Silva

Adele Silva is reuniting with a former co-star in her latest project – and isn’t ruling out a return to the Dales…

- Laura Heffernan

Soap fans will remember Adele Silva as Kelly Windsor in the Dales, but the star’s latest role couldn’t be more different. Adele is playing Snow White in panto this year, and as previously reported in Inside Soap, the wicked queen will be portrayed by Deena Payne – better known as Kelly’s stepmum Viv!

“We’re going to have such a laugh,” giggles Adele, who was last seen in the village back in 2011. “I’m sure we’ll reminisce about our old Emmerdale days. Deena and I were there from the start when the Windsors came in – Donna and Scott were recast later down the line. We both had a love for musical theatre, so we’d always be singing and dancing. We’re sharing a dressing room during panto, so I’m sure that will continue!”

After Adele waved goodbye to the Dales, she joined another famous village when she played Angela Brown in Hollyoaks – the cousin of Leela and Tegan who was interested in adopting Peri’s daughter Steph. And although Adele confesses it was refreshing to play a nice character for a change, she admits that she’ll always have a soft spot for the Emmerdale superbitch she played for over a decade.

“Kelly is the best role I’ve ever had,” insists the 36-year-old actress. “She wasn’t the most popular, but she was a talking point and people loved to hate her. She was self-absorbed and so much fun to play. I got to do outrageous things that I’d love to do in real life, but never had the guts!”

Many of Kelly’s plots revolved around her lusty encounters with men and what she could get out of them. And a couple of her victims still reside in the village…

“Jimmy was a big part of Kelly’s story, and I had so much fun working with Nick [Miles, who plays Jimmy],” recalls Adele. “But as a viewer, I love watching him with Nicola!

“I also loved the stuff with Rodney. It made me laugh when a friend on set would get to work with the new, hot stud while I’d get Rodney in the hot tub! Patrick [Mower, aka Rodney] – or Patch as we call him – is such a nice man, and he knows how things work. He’d guide me and say, ‘Do this to make it funny,’ so I enjoyed filming with him.”

As a self-confessed soap lover, Adele still tunes in every day to keep track of the show that made her name.

“I love Emmerdale!” she enthuses. “And I’m really pleased because I feel like at last it’s getting the recognitio­n it deserves. I went to many award dos where you almost felt Emmerdale was treated like the poor relation to Corrie and Eastenders, so it’s fantastic that it’s finally being seen as the one to watch and the one to beat. They don’t shy away from the difficult stories, and John Middleton’s [Ashley] dementia plot was quite personal to me as I support the Alzheimer’s Society. With Iain Macleod [Emmerdale’s series producer], I think the show has a good team that’s churning out great stuff!”

Given her love for the show, would she be keen to reprise her role as Kelly?

“Definitely!” she beams. “I’m always getting messages from people asking when Kelly is coming back. It’s nice fans still want her, and to know I’ve helped create a character who is remembered. Her son Elliot is with Jimmy, so the door is still open there. There are lots of avenues that could be explored!”

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 ??  ?? They’re behind you!: Or at least, they’re behind this caption
They’re behind you!: Or at least, they’re behind this caption
 ??  ?? Mum’s the word: Angela was a good parent – but Kelly wasn’t!
Mum’s the word: Angela was a good parent – but Kelly wasn’t!

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