Inside Soap

You can say that again!



“As I’ve always said: never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction.” Wise words. Especially from someone who lives with Steve Mcdonald.

“There’s never been anyone else in here [points to his heart]. I love you, Moira.”

“And I hate you,

Cain. I don’t want you and I don’t need you. So just get out of here and stay out – and don’t you ever come near me or my baby again.” Moira is made of Tefal! How she was able to resist melting in Cain’s arms at this point, we’ll never know.

“Now look, Max, I know my wife, and Jane doesn’t make any decision without putting thorough thought into it – even when it’s the wrong decision.” Oh yes, Jane was very ‘thorough’ the night she dumped Lucy’s body on Walford Common and covered up a murder for 10 months.

“I’m a hard-faced old cow, which is where you get it from.

But it comes in very useful sometimes when you’re hurt, afraid or too stubborn and scared to let people in – in case you start blubbing and you can’t stop. But I would really like it if you want me to be part of your life, and not because I’ve had cancer. And the Grim Reaper hangs around me like a dog at a buffet. I’m not the easiest person to love, I know, but I flipping love you. I’m rubbish at saying it and showing it, I know, but I would love that hug now.” We hope that Faith and Chas can be friends now – as a team, they’d be absolutely unstoppabl­e!

“You’re not actually falling for Max, are you?” “Oh, there’s nothing little about him, trust me.” Now that is the very definition of too much informatio­n, Luke. (Though we bet Ben actor Harry Reid is delighted!)

“No more than you’re falling for your little chav mechanic.”

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