Inside Soap

“Moira makes Cain a better person!”

Jeff Hordley reveals the tangled emotions of his character’s latest dilemma…


How is Cain feeling about the Harriet situation while all this stuff with Moira is going on?

He has huge pangs of guilt. He’s even told Harriet how guilty he is about things. He feels awful because she’d been saying to him for a while that he needed to get back with Moira – but he kept saying no.

Did Cain really love Harriet?

While he cares about her a lot, I don’t think the word love ever passed his lips with Harriet – though she might have said it to him. Cain felt that being with Harriet was the right thing to do, and he thought it would get him over Moira – but he kept getting dragged back into Moira’s life.

Do you still think Cain and Moira should be together?

Yes, I think they work really well together. There’s a very strong bond there, and Moira makes him act like no other woman can. It’s like she grounds him – she makes him a better person.

Why has Moira kept pushing Cain away, then?

Because he was with Harriet at the time, and she and Harriet are friends. There’s probably an element of her not trusting Cain, too. But mainly she knows how Harriet feels about him, so she’s been trying to do the right thing for everyone.

The Cain and Moira storylines have kept you very busy over the past 12 months. Has the filming schedule been tough?

Sometimes it’s a bit like wave after wave and you can’t catch a breath – it’s been intense. Put it this way, I was very thankful for that twoweek break over Christmas!

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