Inside Soap

Ross Adams

“The police ask Scott to go to the station, but he’s done nothing!”

- Sarah Ellis

All hell breaks loose in Hollyoaks this week, when Luke finds the topless pictures of Ollie that Buster took – and jumps to the conclusion that Scott was the culprit!

It’s after upset Ollie throws the snaps in the bin that his dad discovers them, and is sickened to think someone has been taking advantage of his teen son. But when the cops come knocking on Scott’s door, the poor fella is clueless!

“The police ask Scott to go to the station, because an allegation has been made against him,” says Ross Adams, who plays the innocent man. “At that point, Scott doesn’t know what the allegation is – but he knows that he’s done nothing wrong. He has no idea what to do. He doesn’t want to tell his Auntie Diane because she’s already stressed out over Tony – so in typical fashion, he decides to keep it to himself.”

It’s no wonder Luke jumps to conclusion­s, given that he’s already had a run-in with Scott over his son. After Ollie told his dad he was confused about his sexuality, he let Luke believe Scott had put the idea in his head – leaving Scott stunned, and Luke baying for blood!

So when Scott realises what the cops are accusing him of, he’s just devastated…

“Scott at last learns what the accusation is while being interrogat­ed,” sighs Ross. “He’s thrown by it, as he’s attempted to be there for Ollie and give him advice. He can’t believe he’s in this position.”

To make matters worse, real predator Buster gives the local media Scott’s details – and makes sure they know what he’s been accused of! He’ll do anything to deflect attention from himself, but he has no idea how awful the repercussi­ons could be for Scott, especially given his history with depression.

“This would have massive consequenc­es for Scott if the allegation­s stuck,” confirms Ross. “Thankfully his Auntie Di believes him and stands by him, however other people in the village might not. He works right in the heart of the community, and this kind of thing could really impact

“Scott’s strong – but this could really have an effect on him!”

his income. Scott’s stronger than you think, but this might have a massive effect on him.”

So as the cops continue to question him, and rumours spread around the village, is Scott about to pay a huge price for Buster’s vile crime?

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 ??  ?? Scott has been there for Ollie, so is devastated by the accusation
Scott has been there for Ollie, so is devastated by the accusation
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Concerned Luke fears for the safety of his teenage son
Concerned Luke fears for the safety of his teenage son

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