Inside Soap

Vanessa is scared to see Pierce


- Allison Jones

Vanessa fears for her little boy’s life this week, when she comes face to face with Pierce behind the Woolpack – hand-in-hand with her young son Johnny!

Assuming that Pierce means her family harm, Vanessa is panic-stricken. But what is Pierce planning next? And is Vanessa right to fear the worst?

“Vanessa’s looking for Johnny’s football when she sees Pierce with Johnny,” explains Michelle Hardwick, who plays her. “The villagers have no idea that Pierce has resurfaced – and he and Vanessa have history. She was the one who tried to warn Rhona about him, and Pierce knew this. So Vanessa is thinking, ‘Has Pierce come back to get revenge?’”


Vanessa’s unwanted reunion comes towards the end of an already traumatic week. Having discovered that her fiancée Charity had been stealing Graham’s money before he died, Vanessa’s conscience is greatly troubled – and the couple’s relationsh­ip is on the line… “Charity and her son Ryan had been helping Graham siphon money out of Kim’s account – but then they stole a huge chunk of money from Graham’s car on the night of his murder,” sighs Michelle.

“So Vanessa’s best friend Rhona is grieving because the man of her dreams has been killed, and Vanessa’s fiancée and stepson have just stolen all this money from him. She knows she should go to the police, but she’s worried about implicatin­g Ryan and Charity in the murder case…”


After agonsing over her terrible dilemma, Vanessa eventually feels compelled to do the right thing and confide in Rhona about what Charity’s done. But just as she’s about to do the deed, Charity turns up and cuts her short. However, more pleading from her fiancée won’t make a difference, as Vanessa is sure that honesty is the best policy – whatever the cost to Charity. “Vanessa always has to do the right thing,” shares Michelle. “I think particular­y in this siutation, due to everything she’s been through with her dad Frank

when he died, and the lies that Kerry and Amy told – that’s what’s making her want to tell the truth.

“If Charity confessed, it would help Marlon, who’s been charged with killing Graham,” she continues. “Marlon is Charity’s cousin, so Vanessa tells her she must tell the police. She means it, even though she knows what’s at stake...”


So Vanessa already has enough on her plate when she later comes face to face with Pierce! And Charity’s crimes will surely pale into insignific­ance as she fears for the safety of her young son. She’s aghast to see him with Pierce, a man whose evil she knows all-too well…

“Pierce picks up Johnny and he runs off,” reveals Michelle. “Vanessa’s blood just runs absolutely cold because she knows exactly what he’s capable of. So she runs off after him!”

Can Vanessa grab Johnny from Pierce’s clutches before he does his worst?

 ??  ?? There’s a huge shock for Vanessa when she finds Pierce with Johnny
There’s a huge shock for Vanessa when she finds Pierce with Johnny
 ??  ??

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