Inside Soap

Dotty tightens her hold over Ian…


- Tom Spilsbury

Cowardly Ian struggles to keep his guilty secret this week, as his blackmaile­r, Dotty, pressurise­s him – but will his next sneaky move silence Dotty for good?

Like Sharon and Phil, Ian is also wracked with guilt over Dennis’ death, as he was the one who locked the teen inside a cabin on the ill-fated vessel, just before the boat started to sink.

And although nobody else witnessed Ian’s actions, Dotty has pieced together the truth – thanks to a voicemail that desperate Dennis inadverten­tly left, just before his death.

“Even though Dotty is blackmaili­ng Ian, there’s a part of her that would rather he’d just come clean to Sharon himself,” reckons our Walford informant. “Of course, snivelling Ian will never be able to find the strength and dignity to actually own up to what he did. If Sharon ever gets wind of the truth, it will have to be dragged out of Ian!”

With Dotty making it clear she’s not going to drop the matter, Ian takes desperate measures to remove her hold over him.

“Ian knows that if he destroys the phone with the incriminat­ing voicemail, Dotty will have lost her leverage,” reasons our source. “So when he gets the chance, he rifles through her bag, and finds the keys to the Arches.

“He can’t resist lording it over Dotty later – and when she realises what he’s done, she’s furious,” adds our gossip. However, she still has one trump card that she hasn’t yet played…”

Smug Ian thinks he has the upper hand over Dotty. But he couldn’t be more wrong.

“Dotty turns up at Ian’s house, and goads him again,” explains our spy.

“However, Ian believes it’s Dotty’s word against his – and nobody will believe Nick Cotton’s untrustwor­thy daughter. But if she really does have something more concrete, then the game changes completely!”

So, what is the vital piece of evidence that

Dotty has disc ered?

And what lengths will Ian go to, to ensure that his guilt isn’t revealed?

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 ??  ?? Ian thinks he’s dealt with Dotty – but she has news for him…
Ian thinks he’s dealt with Dotty – but she has news for him…
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