Inside Soap

Bernie shows her caring side


- Sarah Ellis

Thirty years ago I probably would have gone on a night out with Bernie,” considers

Coronation Street star Jane Hazlegrove, as we ask her whether she reckons her alter ego would be a fun drinking buddy.

“But not now I’m a middle-aged woman who’s usually tucked up in bed by halfpast nine with a Horlicks! No thanks – I think I’d find her deeply irritating!”

Bernie may arguably be one of the worst mothers ever to have graced the cobbles, but there’s no denying that she appears to have calmed down a bit since returning to help out new mum Gemma last month. Her more caring side has been welcomed by viewers – but Jane tells us that she loves playing a woman who has no filter whatsoever…

It’s great to have Bernie back on the cobbles – are you enjoying seeing a gentler side to her?

Very much so. The intention was always that I was going to come in and be the most loathed woman in Weatherfie­ld – which is absolutely fine by me! Bernie’s completely out there, there’s nothing boring about her, and that’s great. If I get up people’s noses, bring it on! But she’s definitely softening. She’s had to take a long, hard look at the mistakes she’s made, and now it’s time to rectify those.

Is playing Bernie cathartic?

Yes, because I am nothing like her! I might look like her, but I’m actually deeply sensitive, and I look after my family. But it’s really nice to be Bernie, and not give a monkey’s! And it’s fun as well – you know that you’re going to be getting a little giggle from your fellow actors.

We love the relationsh­ip between Bernie and her kids – what’s it like working with Dolly-rose Campbell and Peter Ash, who play Gemma and Paul?

I absolutely adore them! They’ve been so welcoming, because I’m still the new girl, even though I’ve been here a year now. I was extremely tentative about joining

Corrie, as they’re all so amazing. But

Dolly and Peter couldn’t have been any friendlier. I love working with them.

What’s it been like working alongside four babies on set?

There’s actually eight at the moment! So if one starts crying, they’ll scoop it up and put another one in. It is a lot of babies to have on set! But it’s not the first time that I’ve had to work with lots of kids, and they’re pretty good. It’s quite sweet.

What do viewers make of Bernie?

Men like to tell me that they think I’m horrible, which is quite interestin­g, and women like to tell me that she’s fun. Mostly people think she’s hilarious, as she’s so out-there. Everybody has an opinion on her, and that’s great!

What do you make of her outfits?

I love her look – it’s hilarious. I love the coat she wears, it’s got blue fur, and it’s very Bernie. As soon as I put it on, I’m Bernie. I’m shielded from any kind of sensitivit­y that I might have had before!

Is there anyone on the Street you’d like to work with some more?

There’s stuff coming up with me and Cathy, which I’m excited about, as I love Melanie Hill. We met 25 years ago in the theatre, but haven’t seen each other since. But I’d love to work with everyone, really – if they can bear to be around Bernie!

We can’t imagine Bernie making friends any time soon…

I don’t really think that matters to her, as long as she’s got her kids and the babies, they’re her number-one focus. Everything else can go whistle. She’s completely in the moment – and in these tough times that we’re living through, it’s a good way to be. Perhaps just without the selfishnes­s!

It’s really nice to be Bernie and not give a monkey’s!

 ??  ?? All smiles: Jane loves working with the stars who play her alter ego’s family
Maternal instinct: Bernie can tell Gemma isn’t coping well with motherhood
All smiles: Jane loves working with the stars who play her alter ego’s family Maternal instinct: Bernie can tell Gemma isn’t coping well with motherhood
 ??  ?? Parental concern: Bernie insisted struggling mum Gemma saw a doctor
Parental concern: Bernie insisted struggling mum Gemma saw a doctor

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