Inside Soap

Phil jailed after killer confession!


- Sarah Ellis

Walford hard man Phil Mitchell wakes up in a prison cell this week, after confessing to the local constabula­ry that he was the one responsibl­e for his stepson Dennis’ tragic drowning!

It’s unlike Phil to be willing to cooperate with police, given his chequered history with the long arm of the law – but the fact that he’s handed himself in and taken full responsibi­lity shows just how awful he feels about Dennis’ horrific fate. Yet as Phil’s hotshot lawyer Richie Scott swoops in to try to get Phil out of some serious trouble, will he soon be back home with his family – or is he facing a very long stretch behind bars for his actions?

“Given that Phil has walked into the police station himself and decided to tell them everything that happened that night, it proves just how heartbroke­n he is over Dennis’ death,” explains our Square insider. “He knows that it was his furious face-off with Keanu which led to the grim events that took place on the boat that night – and it was his grisly vendetta that ultimately cost Dennis his life. Make no mistake, Phil saw Dennis as his own son, and he’s just as devastated as Sharon is over the boy’s senseless death.”

Phil may be determined to put things right, but not everyone is pleased to hear that the notorious villain has finally found a conscience. When Richie arrives on the Square to tell Ben what his father has done, the lad is completely stunned, and fearful that his dad could end up being locked away for years, right when Ben needs him the most.

Luckily for Ben, Richie is on the case. The Mitchell family’s long-time lawyer has got Phil out of many a tight spot over the years, and has helped him to get away with even the most serious of crimes. She arrives at the station just in the nick of time, as Phil is preparing to open his heart to the officers and take full repsonsibi­lity for everything that happened that fateful night. And it’s clear he means business…

Things are touch and go for Phil as he awaits police questionin­g. But can Richie convince him that he’s making a big mistake and get him to keep his mouth shut? Or will Phil confess everything?

“This proves how heartbroke­n Phil is over Dennis’ death”

“There’s no doubt that Phil feels guilty, but surely deep down the reason he’s handing himself in is to help ease Sharon’s pain,” reasons our mole. “Right now, she’s in the worst place she’s ever been, and the pair of them shared a charged moment last week following Dennis’ funeral.

“It’s possible that encounter has given Phil hope that he and Sharon could still make things work,” continues our source. “He thinks that if he finally owns up to his mistakes, then Sharon might just be able to find it in her heart to forgive him.”

Both have made terrible blunders – so can Phil and Sharon possibly salvage their marriage? Or will Sharon be happier to see Phil behind bars?

 ??  ?? 4 I think you’re going to need a bigger piece of paper So, Mr Mitchell, tell me the story of your relationsh­ip with Sharon from the beginning
4 I think you’re going to need a bigger piece of paper So, Mr Mitchell, tell me the story of your relationsh­ip with Sharon from the beginning
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Phil once again finds himself in a police interview room
Phil thought of Dennis as one of his own
Phil once again finds himself in a police interview room Phil thought of Dennis as one of his own
 ??  ?? Can Richie rescue Phil once again?
Can Richie rescue Phil once again?

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