Inside Soap

Scheming Malone frames Billy


- Laura-jayne Tyler

Yet another villager pays a heavy price for crossing DI Malone this week, after the bent detective has Billy arrested for a crime he didn’t commit!

Malone takes action upon learning that Billy and Cain didn’t scrap his dodgy motor as requested, and makes Billy the primary target of his revenge…

“Billy is definitely worried about the consequenc­es of becoming mixed up with Malone, as he’s already had a few run-ins with the law since coming to the village,” explains actor Jay Kontzle, who plays the reformed ex-con. “His major worry is being put in prison again, as Billy knows it’ll be a long stretch, given that he’s already spent time behind bars. He’s really put the effort in trying to get back on the right path, and it’s all turned sour again.”

Malone turns the tables on Billy and Cain after Will – who is still fuming that the pair would be so reckless as to try and outsmart the dirty cop – steals the 4x4 linked to his old foe, and torches it.

However, when the police are informed about the burning vehicle, Malone becomes concerned – realising that if any incriminat­ing evidence survives the blaze, it can be traced back to him. Meanwhile, after

Billy discovers what Will has done, he panics

“Billy’s definitely scared of what Malone is capable of – it’s the power that he has over people more than anything, and the fact Billy knows that Malone is dodgy,” explains Jay. “And it’s not just Billy’s head on a plate. By taking the car, Will puts his whole family in danger, and Billy’s number-one priority, of course, is making sure Dawn

Billy is really scared of what Malone is capable of…”

and Lucas are safe. However, his ability to do that is taken away after Will interferes.”

Having already gone to extreme lengths to teach Cain a lesson, Malone then zeroes in on Billy instead – and the next thing Billy knows, the police are arresting him on suspicion of assault!

“He’s aware that someone is behind it, as Billy hasn’t done anything,” reasons Jay. “Also, it’s not the first time something like this has happened – remember when Al previously accused Billy of hitting him, when in fact it was a loan shark? So, initially Billy is a bit confused by it all, and worrying that he’s going to take the fall for something he didn’t do.”

Billy’s predicamen­t becomes crystal clear when Malone takes sick pleasure in revealing that one of his associates has suffered a vicious beating, and is willing to tell the police that it was Billy who carried out the attack. However, the ball is then left in Billy’s court after Malone issues him with a shocking ultimatum.

As Billy is faced with an impossible dilemma, will he be left with very little choice but to do exactly as Malone says? Or is going back to prison his only escape?

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Folllowing Malone’s orders, Billy is taken in for questionin­g
Folllowing Malone’s orders, Billy is taken in for questionin­g
 ??  ?? The burning vehicle leaves Malone feeling alarmed
The burning vehicle leaves Malone feeling alarmed

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