Inside Soap

You Ask… Bradley Johnson (Vinny)



Bradley has faced a tough soap audition for the role of Vinny, and performed live on Saturday night TV! So answering your questions should be a breeze for him…

“What’s the best thing about being in Emmerdale so far?”

I can’t say anything negative about

Emmerdale. The people – the cast, the crew – make it just a joyous place to work. I can’t even call it work really, because every day you go in with your friends and you’re having a laugh, and it’s just a genuinely nice place to work. Everyone looks out for each other.

“Did you always know that Vinny isn’t Mandy’s biological son?”

No, because we originally came in for just three episodes, and it was a fast turnaround. So all I knew at that time was that Mandy had been away for 17 years, and she’d come back with a son who’s

17. Obviously we went off screen then, and a lot changed in the process of Mandy and Vinny coming back, and me realising that Mandy isn’t Vinny’s biological mum!

“What do Emmerdale fans say to you when you’re out and about?”

Well, I wear glasses in the show, so it’s rare that I get recognised. Sometimes I get the odd look like, “Is it him? Is it not him?” And then sometimes

I get, “I know your face from somewhere, but I can’t think where!” But all the feedback I’ve got from people who watch the show has been really nice, especially after the episode about Vinny’s past aired. It was lovely.

“What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?”

I know it sounds clichéd, but just be yourself, and do everything to the best of your ability. If you give anything you do one hundred per cent, that’s all you can do. And another bit of advice is just to be nice – it’s really simple.

“Who’s your favourite actor, and what is it about them that you love so much?”

I love watching comedies, romcoms and that kind of thing. So actors who have inf luenced me are people such as Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart and Jim Carrey. I just really like actors who possess great comedy timing and give you a good belly-laugh. I think we could all do with that now.

“Did you know that Vinny isn’t Mandy’s son?”

“What was it like working with Colin Firth [on the 2007 film And When Did You Last See Your Father]?”

I was eight when I got that job, and I didn’t really work with Colin Firth as such, because I played him as a kid. He was such a nice guy, though – me and my mum got a photo with him.

“How is your dog, Barney, settling in, and what’s the best thing about having him?”

Barney’s a little bundle of joy, he’s brilliant. My grandad passed away last year, so my grandma’s been by herself, but she’s still really active, and she likes to go out for walks. So I suggested we get a dog to share between us. And it works perfectly. She has him during the day when I work, and then we take him for long walks and he stays at mine at night. It’s really good for both of us.

“Can you tell us the best holiday you’ve ever been on?”

I went to Thailand last year – we stayed on an island near Phuket called Ko Yao Yai, and it was lovely. It was a really small island, and the people were so respectful. I’d love to go back there and explore more of Thailand. It’s a different way of life over there – the food and the culture is brilliant.

“How long have you been mates with

Coronation Street’s

Jack P Shepherd [aka David]?”

I went to a stage school called Stage 84, and so did Jack. Jack’s a bit older than me, but we share a mutual friend called Freddie Bolt who also is an actor. Jack started

“What was it like working with Colin Firth?”

I think Vinny’s at that age where he thinks he’s a bit of a ladies’ man, which he probably isn’t! He’s a bit of a geeky character, and we’ve seen a bit of him fancying Belle. However, since Graham’s gone, Kim Tate is without a love interest, so Vinny could be her toy boy! I don’t think he would be particular­ly fussy about who he’s with, though!

a stage school about three years ago, and he was looking for a singing teacher, so Freddie suggested me. We became really good friends from there!

“Do people still talk to you about [ITV singing contest]

Let It Shine?”

Now and again people mention it. That was one of the best experience­s of my life. I’ll always remember my first-ever live show on a Saturday night – I had to play the piano, and it was the most “Which Dales girl do you think Vinny would be a good match for?”

…asks reader Megan

Taylor from Tranmere scary, surreal thing. But it was the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done, and I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.

“Will you continue your music career alongside your acting?”

Yeah. I’m still singing, and I’d love to start writing. Now that Emmerdale has paused filming [due to the coronaviru­s], it’s the perfect time to try to get some songs written. I’ll attempt to get some more covers up on Youtube.

“What’s the kindest thing Lisa Riley [Mandy] has done for you so far?”

From the moment I joined Emmerdale, she made me feel so welcome. She’s the most kind-hearted person that I’ve ever met, and she’s a dream to work with. I’ve honestly made a best friend for life.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Right-hand Mand: Vinny has a close bond with Mandy, as does Bradley with Lisa Riley
Right-hand Mand: Vinny has a close bond with Mandy, as does Bradley with Lisa Riley
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Take That: Bradley competed to be in a musical based on the boy band
Take That: Bradley competed to be in a musical based on the boy band
 ??  ?? Child star: Bradley was mixing with Hollywood royalty at a young age
Child star: Bradley was mixing with Hollywood royalty at a young age
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 ??  ?? Having a Barney: The adorable pooch is shared by Bradley and his grandma
Having a Barney: The adorable pooch is shared by Bradley and his grandma
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