Kent Messenger Maidstone

What if this had been an ambulance or fire engine?

Refuse lorry unable to get past parked cars in cul-de-sac

- By Alan Smith @ajsmithKM

Fears over emergency services’ access have been raised after a bin lorry was unable to navigate round a Shepway cul-de-sac.

In May, Maidstone council erected signs in Worcester Road warning motorists not to park on grass verges at the side of the road.

It took a while and several householde­rs had to pay hefty fines, but residents got the message and now leave their cars in the road – where there are no restrictio­ns.

But on Friday, a refuse lorry was unable to wend its way between parked cars and gave up, leaving rubbish from 17 properties uncollecte­d.

Cllr Malcolm McKay (Lab), who represents Shepway South, said the cars were not double-parked, but positioned in such a way, the driver couldn’t navigate round them.

He added: “Obviously no one ought to park on the verge, but residents were doing so with a reason, to leave the road clear.

“You have to ask, what if this had been an ambulance or a fire engine trying to get through in an emergency?”

Cllr McKay said residents were also asking why they had been picked out and were against the fining policy. He said: “Worcester Road is a cul-de-sac of 1950s’ semis. No other road on Shepway has had these ‘no parking’ notices erected.

“It does seem a bit draconian in the circumstan­ces.” He asked: “Is the council trying out a new money-making wheeze?”

Stacey Turner is one of the residents who has been fined. The 29-year-old said: “We were getting our trailer-tent ready to go on holiday on our drive, so we moved our car out. It was parked across our own entrance-way, but slightly onto the verge.

“I don’t see there’s any need to fine people. Parking has never previously been a problem here.”

A spokesman for Maidstone council said: “We were aware of an issue last Friday. The contractor has sent a supervisor to look at the situation in the road to see what can be done.

“In the meantime we would encourage all residents to be aware that there may be times that large vehicles need to get through and to park accordingl­y.”

 ?? FM3519673/FM3517239 ?? Residents of Worcester Road, Shepway, are angry at restrictio­ns that stop residents parking on grass verges, and which meant a bin lorry, right, could not access the street
FM3519673/FM3517239 Residents of Worcester Road, Shepway, are angry at restrictio­ns that stop residents parking on grass verges, and which meant a bin lorry, right, could not access the street
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