Kent Messenger Maidstone

News from around the county Vandal apologises for war memorial attack


A demonstrat­or who vandalised a military memorial on Remembranc­e Sunday has spoken of his deep regret over the “misguided” protest.

Stephen Bicker caused public revulsion when he sprayed the words “sold ya” on the memorial to the Royal East Kent Regiment in Canterbury.

After appearing in court on charges of criminal damage, the 47-year-old has conceded that his protest “was not the way to go” and says he has been driven into hiding.

Bicker targeted the monument in the Dane John Gardens on November 11 – the day the nation honoured the fallen of the First World War.

The graffiti caused such offence that one elderly lady tried to scrub the memorial clean with her handkerchi­ef.

Yet two days later, while on police bail for the first offence, Bicker went on to scrawl the same word on a war memorial in Faversham.

Homeless Bicker, who has a previous history of anti- war protesting, admitted two counts of criminal damage at Canterbury Magistrate­s’ Court.

Speaking afterwards, he said: “I deeply regret offending people, it’s not what I wanted. I do not believe in armed conflict and I had to get that message across. But I realise on reflection that targeting the monument was not the way to go. I am sorry for that.”

Prosecutor Will Bodiam said council contractor­s had to be called in to clean up.

Mark Haskell, defending, described his client as “damaged from birth” and as having a serious alcohol problem, saying he had a point to make, but did it in the wrong way.

Chairman Caroline Snowden imposed a six-month community order with supervisio­n and alcohol treatment programmes attached.

He has to pay Canterbury and Swale councils £180 each for repairs to the memorials, plus £85 court costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

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 ??  ?? War Memorial graffiti vandal Stephen Bicker and the vandalised Faversham war memorial
War Memorial graffiti vandal Stephen Bicker and the vandalised Faversham war memorial
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