Kent Messenger Maidstone

I wish I had never backed Lib Dems


Anger in this paper at Tory members of the planning committee who approved homes at Bridge Nursery is misdirecte­d (KM letters, November 28).

My anger, perhaps even my loathing, is aimed at the Liberal Democrat councillor­s.

For two years they promised to stop this applicatio­n.

I voted for them, even though they are not my natural party, because they promised they would save Bridge Nursery. What a fool I was.

I sat in the audience and watched in horror as each Lib Dem councillor smugly abstained from the vote.

With the chairman’s casting vote, he is a Liberal too, they could have refused the applicatio­n, as they promised, but instead they chose to let it go ahead on Tory votes.

Why? The cynic inside me wonders if looking for a scapegoat to attack during next year’s general election is more important than keeping a promise to their voters.

I feel betrayed and let down by the Liberals.

It started when they promised free higher education, but then voted to raise fees at the first opportunit­y they got.

Now they have reneged on yet another promise.

I’m not going to fall for it again. Like thousands of others in Kent, I will be voting for the Green party instead next year. Barry Lloyd Hildenboro­ugh Crescent, Allington

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