Kent Messenger Maidstone

Teen’s wait on court order


A teenage boy with serious learning difficulti­es will have to wait another three months to learn if stringent court conditions which stop him using the internet will be imposed permanentl­y.

The 16-year-old, of Maidstone, was made subject to an interim Sexual Risk Order (SRO) at Maidstone Magistrate­s’ Court last month despite not having committed any offences.

Kent Police successful­ly argued the schoolboy’s “concerning behaviour”, the nature of which was not made public at the hearing, warranted the civil order.

Fionagh Green, defending, told the court the order was a “great restrictio­n on his liberty and a breach of his human rights,” which was so broad it stopped him taking out a library book and seriously impeded his ability to go to school.

At a case management hearing at Maidstone Magistrate­s’ Court on Wednesday Mrs Green said the defence will argue her client does not pose a risk and there is insufficie­nt evidence for the order to be imposed.

The defence proposes to call eight witnesses to a trial in front of District Judge Justin Barron in October.

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