Kent Messenger Maidstone

Test pass pledge to parents

Exam success for more children, but most should gain grammar places

- By Paul Francis

More than 14,300 children who took the 11-plus this year have now been told whether they have secured a place at one of the county’s 33 grammars.

Figures released by the county council indicate that the number of pupils who sat the test increased by 625 to 14,349 this year.

At the same time, the number who passed the test rose by 278 to 6,537. Of these, 4,369 are from Kent compared with 2,145 outside the county.

As in previous years, the number of children passing is greater than the number of places available.

However, Kent County Council says it expects a number of children will not take up places at its grammars, easing the pressure.

There are 4,959 places available compared with 4,767 last year.

The figures are likely to be under greater scrutiny this year in the wake of the government’s announceme­nt that it wants to allow new grammars.

KCC says that most of those who apply for a place from Kent are likely to secure a place.

Cllr Roger Gough, KCC cabinet member for education, said: “As in previous years many children from outside Kent will be unsuccessf­ul in their grammar school applicatio­ns. This is due to the nature of the oversubscr­iption criteria for Kent schools.

“Consequent­ly the 4,369 children from Kent that have been assessed suitable for grammar school will, in most circumstan­ces, enjoy priority for the majority of 4,959 places available at Kent grammar schools.

“We anticipate a high proportion of the 2,145 pupils from outside Kent will be naming Kent schools, but experience also tells us the vast majority of these children ultimately secure school places in a variety of provision in their home local authoritie­s.”

Results could be obtained online from 5pm last Thursday on the council’s website, where, for the first time, the scores for the tests were also available for those registered.

Otherwise result letters were sent to all 14,349 families on Thursday afternoon, to arrive on doormats from Friday.

Parents need to submit an applicatio­n for their child’s secondary school by Monday, October 31, and can name up to four schools in order of preference.

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 ??  ?? With the results revealed, parents now need to submit an applicatio­n for secondary schools by October 31
With the results revealed, parents now need to submit an applicatio­n for secondary schools by October 31
 ??  ?? Cllr Roger Gough, cabinet member for education
Cllr Roger Gough, cabinet member for education

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