Kent Messenger Maidstone

Jailed for drugs


Angelo Martinez, the forum’s vice- president, said: “There is a section where cyclists are advised to dismount and walk their cycles, but obviously that’s not going to happen.

“It didn’t even happen when the VIPs at the launch went for a ride along the towpath.”

Mr Martinez said the forum was concerned at the narrow section under one of the bridges. He said: “It’s on a blind corner and it would be very easy for someone to find themselves in conflict with another rider coming the other way and for one of them to end up in the river.”

The forum wants safety railings installed along the river’s edge.

In addition, the height under the bridge is low. Mr Martinez said it would be very easy for a rider to bang their head on the bridge and said there was a need for better lighting. Finally, the forum is concerned about safety at a ramp that leads down near the Kentish Lady mooring and then does a sharp right turn. Again it thinks railings are needed.

A spokesman for KCC, which was behind the £2.4 million project, declined to comment on the criticism. A Shepway man has been jailed for a month after admitting a drugs offence. Adedayo Fadeyi, 36, of Cambridge Crescent, also pleaded guilty to failing to show up at court and breaching a suspended sentence. He must also pay £300, which will be deducted from his benefits.

 ??  ?? Cycle campaigner Angelo Martinez; Tracey Crouch MP cuts a ribbon to reopen the towpath along the Medway in Maidstone
Cycle campaigner Angelo Martinez; Tracey Crouch MP cuts a ribbon to reopen the towpath along the Medway in Maidstone

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