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Correspond­ent: Jean Watson Mob:

07966 361434 Tel: 01622 687053 Christmas Gifts: This years Allington Community Christmas Market is on Tuesday, November 28 from 1pm to 4.30pm in St Nicholas Church Hall where there will be many stalls to browse and buy gifts. Refreshmen­ts available. Christmas in Austria: at the next Get Together meeting on Wednesday, November 29 Stephen and Pauline tell us what it is like to be in Austria at Christmas. From 2.30-4pm in the Baptist Church. Wreath Making: on Wednesday, November 29, from 7pm-9.30pm in St. Nicholas Church and Halls, a chance to make your own wreath for the season, under expert guidance, in good company with festive refreshmen­ts. All you need to bring are secateurs and a towel. Please book via Judith on 01622 662425 or see Jenny in the office. Cost £16.50 in advance, in aid of Church funds. St.Nicholas Church: Christmas Market is on Saturday, December 2 from 10.30am to 2.30pm when there will be Christmas stalls, raffle, games, refreshmen­ts and lots more. ing their night service and supper on Wednesday, November 29, followed by a fish and chip supper at 8pm. Please sign up in the church hall. Honour Board: it is planned to undertake another visit to the archives as soon as possible. HGV signage, the sign has been taken by KCC arrangemen­ts having been made to install it. BT box, Sandling, BT has scheduled the box to be removed but it may take 1-2 years because of a backlog of work. Parish Tour will take place on Saturday November 11. Local Nature Reserve Grove Green, response awaited from MBC, the resident is liaising with the local community. Report from the PCSO and Police Issues: Crimes from August 18 - September 19. Boxley: Burglary, shed broken into and jewellery stolen - The Street 18/08 Grove Green: Theft, items stolen from property- Briar Fields 01/01 - 19/09; Theft of a motor vehicle - Bearsted Road 09/09; Theft, plant pots with conifers stolen - Saddlers Close, 27/08-28/08 Theft, plants and pots removed without consent - Saddlers Close, 28/08-29/08; Theft, 2 red ceramic plant pots stolen - The Hedgerow, 27/08 - 28/08; skip full of rubbish stolen from outside propertyGr­ove Green Road, 31/08-01/09; vehicle vandalised - Bearsted Road, 25/08 Lordswood & Walderslad­e: Vehicle interferen­ce, window smashed, ignition lock destroyed in an attempt to steal - Fir Tree Grove - 19/09; window smashed - Badger Road, 10/09. Members received Assistant Inspector Rachel Cumberland about the changes to the PCSO coverage of parishes. Members expressed disappoint­ment that PCSOs would not be attending parish council meetings or providing crime statistics. The parish office was asked to produce monthly crime statistics for the agenda. A Sandling resident commented on a damaged sign at Chatham Road/Tyland Lane. The Clerk reported that KCC and MBC had been contacted and arrangemen­ts were being made to replace them. Policies and Procedures: The Community Engagement Strategy/Protocol for attending PC and Committee meetings. It is planned to try to combine the two policies into one and a report will be provided to the next meeting. Report from Borough Councillor­s: Cllr Butler informed members that he had attended an event, hosted by Golding Homes, for all the support services in the borough. He mentioned the call in of the local plan by the two MP’s which had temporaril­y stopped MBC adopting the plan. Cllr Wendy Hinder notified members that she had attended a site visit to the Grovewood Drive North Play Area. She has raised concerns that the replacemen­t play area only really catered for toddlers and not the larger age group as promised. She has therefore asked for more equipment to be installed. UK Power had still not undertaken additional work on Boxley Road, Walderslad­e. She had received a call from UK Power informing her of a provisiona­l date for the works to be completed being November 14, that was a couple of weeks ago and she has heard nothing since. She had a meeting with two officers from KCC and we walked the lower end of Old Boxley Road once again and it was agreed that the much needed work would start once UK Power have completed their obligation to cut the trees back from the overhead power cables. She is getting annoyed and frustrated that she is having to chase this all the time. KCC informed her that it is quite possible that their work on the trees may need to be done in stages due to monetary constraint­s. She has spoken with

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