Kent Messenger Maidstone

‘Give me a jiving Theresa over BoJo any day’


It’s times like these I completely understand why people might not be bothered to walk to their local polling station every few years to tick a box.

Ironically, the reason I am finally toying with apathy is the exact reason others now suddenly seem interested in politics, Boris Johnson.

Boris is a lovable, bumbling buffoon said more people than I can count as he reeled off his latest no-PC jibe like an unruly grandparen­t at Christmas.

When he mocked women in burkas he was “just telling it how it is”.

His latest gag about Theresa May wrapping the constituti­on in a suicide vest is “great banter” according to Alan Partridge, probably.

But am I alone in thinking actually Boris Johnson is a dangerous idiot who represents everything that is wrong about politics in the UK?

He’s the figure-head of a Tory party at war without itself, not just nationally but also closer to home, in the county of Kent.

I’ve tried not to care, to laugh it off but actually I keep stumbling on the concept of government and the notion that those in it are supposed to be governing and not at each others throats like a bunch of children in a play ground.

We might laugh at the state of a Trump White House, of an orange president eating Big Macs in a pillow fought while firing off rude tweets to various despots but perhaps people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?

Yet people seem to adore Boris and his floppy hair, maybe it’s the thought of a British-made Trump that attracts them, just as Americanis­ms like ‘can I get’ and ‘so’ have appealed to the nation? He’s not my cup of tea though. I think he’s an embarrassm­ent and I’d rather have a furiously jiving Theresa May or a jammaking, drain cover-snapping Jeremy Corbyn any day.

Forget a second referendum on leaving the EU, can we have one on parting ways with Westminste­r?

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