Kent Messenger Maidstone

Hypocritic­al politician­s


What a brilliant letter from Alf Archer of Bearsted in response to Ed McConnell’s derisory attack on Boris Johnson. His comments about the EU Commission, the SNP, Tory remainers who have refused to accept the referendum result on which they stood at the 2017 General Election, and the hypocritic­al Jeremy Corbyn, were right on the money.

I call Jeremy Corbyn a hypocrite because he has always been a leaver but doesn’t have the backbone to say so, because he knows the majority of the left wing of the Labour Party, from where he draws most of his support, cannot bring themselves to align with a policy favoured by the right wing of the Conservati­ve Party.

This is a man who in 1975 campaigned to leave the EEC with the late Tony Benn, who if he were alive I have no doubt would be extremely disappoint­ed that Corbyn could simply abandon any sort of principled position because his dogma driven mindset is, ‘if the Tories are for it, I’m against it’. The difference in the calibre of the two men is striking. When the Labour Party rehashed the idea of introducin­g ID cards, Tony Benn campaigned against them alongside Brexiteer David Davis. Although they fundamenta­lly disagreed on many things, they both understood that you don’t have to disagree on everything and I’m sure that would have been the case again today. Mr Archer has also firmly nailed the Liberal Democrat

MPs for what they are; a rump of political opportunis­ts fixated on thwarting the will of the majority in the referendum because they don’t like the result.

Last week, after Jo Swinson was elected as their new leader, the Metro asked readers to suggest what should be the first thing she should do. I responded with the suggestion that she should change the name of her party to the IlLiberal AntiDemocr­atic Party because of its members blatant refusal to accept the result of the referendum.

Christophe­r Hudson-Gool

Sutton Road, Maidstone

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