Kent Messenger Maidstone

Step up your growing skills

With a little bit of thought and some clever ideas, everyone can grow their own – even if all you have is a windowsill and a front step


You might be renting a garden-free house or live in a tiny 15th floor flat with plenty of views but no actual earth to plant stuff in - however, that doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own. Sure, rhubarb is probably not an option (the leaves are elephant-ear huge), asparagus would be tricky (a long trench of sandy soil is required), and globe artichokes likely a problem (guys, they grow to human height). And there’s no point nurturing blackberri­es, when you can forage for them.

Yet, however compact your home, there’s always a nook or cranny somewhere that a seedling will thrive in. It’s amazing the produce you can coax into life with just a couple of windowsill­s and a front step.

Transform your plot - however small - into an urban allotment with these green-fingered, space-maximising tricks...

Kit you need and kit you can live without

If you’re short on outdoor space, the likelihood is, you’ll be short on indoor space too. For those just starting out though, you really don’t need a load of bulky spades, pots and hi-tech hydroponic­s to grow your own in a small space.

From your recycling bin, dig out cardboard egg boxes, which make ideal pods for chitting potatoes; washed out yoghurt pots and jars work well as starter plant pots (although drainage will be a problem longer term), and you can plant seedlings in used toilet roll tubes. Old crockery and plates from charity shops are a good substitute too if you haven’t got the surface area for terracotta plant trays indoors. There are certain items that are worth investing in though. One or two plastic seedling trays the size of an A4 sheet of paper (although coir - coconut husks - makes for a more eco-friendly option), a trowel and compost which will be essential.

Utilise your kitchen windowsill With kitchen gardening, the first step is to accept that some things will take up too much space, need too much light, and won’t yield all that much when home-grown. So, when it comes to dill, coriander and tarragon, for instance, you’re generally better off buying bunches from a shop instead. Your everyday staples though, like basil, parsley, rosemary and sage, all deserve a spot on the sill (cleaned tomato cans will do for pots) and won’t dominate your kitchen.

Growing your own also offers a chance to eat things you can’t usually get in the supermarke­t chervil, lovage and sorrel are all easy to grow from seed and are hard to find for sale full-grown.

Put veg on the step

When it comes to your front step, realistica­lly you’re likely to have three patches of space: One on either side of the door and potentiall­y space for a hanging plant above. Most people fill these gaps with topiary and pots of lavender, but if you want veg instead, here’s what you could replace them with:

1. A heavy duty grow bag (the size of a bucket) full of potato plants. All the better if it’s got handles so you can easily move its position if need be.

2. A courgette plant in a pot (one well pollinated plant can provide you with courgettes all summer), it’ll hang prettily over the sides and double whammy, you can eat the flowers as well as the fruits. 3. A bay tree in a pot (add the leaves to stews and bechamel sauce - plus, it provides structure to your step).

4. Fill a hanging tub or basket with a tumbling variety of tomatoes.

Courgettes, tomatoes and bay not your thing? Strawberri­es love life in a pot, as do leeks, cabbages and onions - in fact.

Chillies love a bedroom windowsill You don’t want home-grown cherry tomatoes rolling around your bedroom floor, so save this space for edible flowers and chilli plants. We’re talking one pot for a plant that produces small hot red chillies, and one jalapeno pepper - placed either end of the windowsill.

Then fill the gap in the middle with a mixed tray of violets, marigolds and nasturtium­s, the latter of which you can eat the velvety orange flowers, as well as the seed pods, which taste really peppery.

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