Kentish Express Ashford & District

Precious war medals lost in Square

- by Vicky Castle @vickycastl­eKM

An 81-year-old woman is desperatel­y searching for the precious war medals she lost in County Square on Monday.

Ivy Hitchen, of Hamstreet, was carrying the family heirlooms in her bag after her grandson had borrowed them for a school project.

The two medals, one slightly bigger than the other, were awarded to her great uncle in the First World War and had red, gold and blue ribbons.

One read “A Chapman” on the side and was given to her great-uncle’s family after he was killed in the Great War and the other is a general service medal given to every soldier who fought in the conflict.

Mrs Hitchen had been carrying the medals in a sandwich bag ready to give to her other grandson for another school project.

She had been shopping with her 19-yearold grandson in town from about 1pm but when she got back to the car about 3pm she realised she had misplaced them.

Now she is appealing for anyone who may have found them to contact County Square and have them safely returned.

She said: “I had them in my bag because my grandson had just given them back and I was about to pass them on to my other grandson.

“I think I must have taken them out of my bag when I paid for something, put them on the side of a counter or something and left them somewhere.

‘They have been in my family for ages and I feel so guilty that I have lost them’

“I checked back in all the shops I had been in and even went into the pawnbroker­s but I could not find them and no one had seen them.

“They have been in my family for ages and I feel so guilty that I have lost them.

“I would be so grateful if someone found them and returned them. I desperatel­y want them back as they are very special.”

Anyone who has found the medals is asked to contact County Square on 01233 634001.

 ??  ?? Ivy Hitchen lost two First World War medals in County Square
Ivy Hitchen lost two First World War medals in County Square

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