Kentish Express Ashford & District

Every little helps as store opens community room

- by Suz Elvey @SuzElvey

A revamped supermarke­t featuring a community room for use by local groups and charities was officially unveiled to the public this week.

Tesco Crooksfoot Extra in Hythe Road, Willesboro­ugh, also now has a Harris + Hoole coffee shop, a pizzeria and new food and clothing ranges.

Mayor and Mayoress of Ashford, Cllr John Link and Mrs Jill Link, and store manager Emily Knowler cut the ribbon on Monday morning to declare the refurbishe­d store officially re-opened after three months of building work.

Representa­tives from more than 20 charities went along to look at the community room, which can be used free of charge.

The branch’s community champion Mary Daly said: “Tesco Community Room is Ashford’s community room as Tesco is committed to supporting all communitie­s.

“Being a volunteer, I have known at times the loneliness of planning and organising events, but that will be no more as the community champions at Tesco Crooksfoot are only a call away to support volunteers – and all for free. I have to say the room is lovely.”

Tesco staff presented a donation of £500 to Samantha Goswell and Gillian Batcheldor, of mental health charity mcch, which provides the Ashford Live It Well Centre.

The money will be used to buy cameras and musical instrument­s and take service users on a trip. Store manager Emily Knowler thanked everyone who went and added: “Now all the work has finally finished it has been fantastic to see all our customers’ reactions to the new look store and community room and to hear their feedback after being so patient during the disruption.

“It seems they love it just as much as myself and the rest of the team.”

To book the community room, which can be used for meetings, and over events contact Mary Daly or Eliz Bourne at ashford@communitya­

 ??  ?? Tesco store manager Emily Williams with Mayor and Mayoress John and Jill Link, and Sam Goswell and Gill Batcheldor, from charity mcch, at the opening of the new community room
Tesco store manager Emily Williams with Mayor and Mayoress John and Jill Link, and Sam Goswell and Gill Batcheldor, from charity mcch, at the opening of the new community room

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