Kentish Express Ashford & District

Outlet boss runs huge distance for Children in Need

- By Samantha Williams

The manager of the Ashford Designer Outlet ran an impressive 100km in aid of Children in Need – in just 24 hours!

David Maddison took on the challenge – the equivalent of running two-and-a-half marathons – on Friday and has so far raised £4,717 of his £5,000 target.

Mr Maddison, who has been centre manager for six-and-a-half years, broke the runs into four 25km distances – three of them around the Designer Outlet, and one at the Julie Rose Stadium.

He said: “Last November, when Children in Need was being screened live on the BBC, my family and I sat at home feeling extremely emotional about the plight of many of the world’s children.

“We decided we just had to do something to support these wonderful children who are in such extremely difficult and often lifethreat­ening conditions.

“We decided there and then that I would take on the challenge to run 100km (62 miles), which is double any distance I have ever run before, within 24 hours.” Keen runner Mr Maddi- son was joined by his son Jamie, 10, for parts of the run on Friday, has completed 14 marathons in the past nine years, including nine London marathons.

He has also run the Disney Mar- athon in Orlando, the Amsterdam Marathon, Utrecht Marathon as well as a 55km ultra marathon in Canterbury. To donate go to www.justgiving. com/david-maddison2

 ?? Picture: Gary Browne FM3498504 ?? David Maddison with his son Jamie, 10
Picture: Gary Browne FM3498504 David Maddison with his son Jamie, 10

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