Kentish Express Ashford & District

So this is how the game works


So what is beer pong?

The official rule book states that beer pong (sometimes called Beirut) is a drinking game where players throw a ping pong ball across a table, with the aim of landing the ball in a cup of beer.

The official British version, Brit Pong, has two players, with 10 cups set up in a triangle formulatio­n at each end of the table. Other versions can have one to four players, and six cups.

Each team takes a turn attempting to shoot a ping pong ball into the opponent’s cups, which have a small amount of beer in the bottom. This keeps the cups stable when the ball hits it but fails to land inside.

If a ball lands in a cup (known as a ‘make’), the other team consumes the contents and the cup is removed from the table.

The first team to eliminate all of the opponents’ cups is the winner.

For more informatio­n visit

 ?? FM4215264 ?? Dave Finch takes aim
FM4215264 Dave Finch takes aim

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