Kentish Express Ashford & District

‘No repeat of Remembranc­e shambles’

Royal British Legion pledge better venue and time-keeping after last year marred by blunders

- By Aidan Barlow

Remembranc­e Sunday organisers say they are determined to avoid a repeat of last year’s shambles, where one man collapsed and the minute of silence finished before 11am.

The Royal British Legion has been advised to move the service into the Memorial Gardens because of the incident last year, where one elderly gentleman fainted but couldn’t be easily reached by paramedics.

Previously the public has gathered in the enclave surroundin­g the war memorial opposite the library in Church Road, but last year the service was so well attended that people were packed in, with some of the elderly feeling dizzy and two cadets fainting.

Legion branch chairman Popiraj Rai said: “The number of people attending has been increasing every year.

“Because of the overflow of people last year we have moved the service into the Memorial Gardens nearby.

“Last year we had an incident where one man from the parade fell down and it was very difficult for him to get out to the ambulance.

“I think it would be dangerous for us to run the service in the same place, we need a bigger space for the public where they can see all the service taking place and take part.”

The new proposals are for the parade to march from St Mary’s Church Hall at 10.40am and to lay wreaths at the memorial before continuing into the Memorial Gardens.

The service will then be led by Willesboro­ugh Baptist Minister Rev Alan Dinnie at 10.50am, and the Last Post will sound before the silence starts at 11am.

On one side of the path a band will set up, while on the other veterans and dignitarie­s will gather before Rev Dinnie, with the public to then have space to gather behind.

And organisers say they are determined not to repeat last year’s gaffe, where the minute’s silence finished four minutes before it was supposed to begin.

Mr Rai added: “This year we are determined to be spot on with the times, unlike last year. Once the parade has passed we will have a trumpeter to play the Last Post, with the minute’s silence to follow on time.”

The Royal British Legion will run a stall in the town centre from Monday, November 7, to Saturday, November 12.

On Friday, November 11, maroons will be fired in the Memorial Gardens at 11am to commemorat­e the moment the guns fell silent on the Western Front during the First World War.

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 ??  ?? Legion branch chairman Popiraj Rai said they were determined to be “spot on” with the times after last year’s minute’s silence finished early
Legion branch chairman Popiraj Rai said they were determined to be “spot on” with the times after last year’s minute’s silence finished early

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