Kentish Express Ashford & District

Council tax blunder leaves councillor looking for way out


THERE was embarrassm­ent among the Ukip ranks at County Hall when its budget spokesman had to excuse himself from a debate about next year’s spending plans.

Cllr Mike Baldock left the council chamber after admitting he might be behind with his council tax payments – and that made him fall foul of a rule that prevents members in arrears from debating or voting on their council’s spending plans.

Given some of Ukip’s other antics, it was not exactly a major scandal, but the other parties could not contain their glee and merriment at the episode, tweeting furiously about the situation.

MEANWHILE, another political spat has been triggered by the revelation that Kent County Council spent £6,877.60 on just 200 copies of its Annual Strategic Statement including £3,430 for graphic design, meaning each cost a rather hefty £34.

The Liberal Democrats were aghast at this revelation, saying that since the authority was slashing spending by £75 million in next year’s budget, this was unnecessar­y.

It was left to Conservati­ve chief tormentor, Jeremy Kite, to provide a rebuttal, saying: “I get dispirited with the constant search for grievance, really, from some members.”

Welcome to the world of town hall politics.

KENT MPs have taken steps to ensure the government has finally drawn a line under plans for a hub airport in the Thames estuary on the back of the announceme­nt about Heathrow.

But it seems Boris Johnson hasn’t given up entirely, saying that in time the idea will have to be revisited.

“I think in the long run we will have to go back to those ideas because, I’m afraid to say, Heathrow is not in the right place and I’m afraid a third runway is undelivera­ble,” he said after this week’s news.

KENT County Council has some form on spending on consultant­s, but this hasn’t stopped it turning to outside experts for a variety of reasons.

Now it has re-employed consultant­s to take a second look at where there may be opportunit­ies for a series of smaller overnight lorry parks across the county. Quite what will emerge from this new examinatio­n of potential sites is anyone’s guess.

FOLLOW Paul on Twitter @ PaulOnPoli­tics for all Kent’s political news and gossip.

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