Kentish Express Ashford & District



1968 - The station in Tufton Street was completed and boasts six floors along with custody cells and a secure parking area. Part of the constructi­on included using concrete panels for the exterior cladding which are held in place with pegs. The system is said to have a 50 to 70 year lifespan.

2006 - First reports of falling concrete lumps from the cladding and falling pebbles, leaving the steel reinforcem­ent exposed.

January 2015 - A protective fan (scaffold) was set up after concerns were raised, and chartered surveyors from Collier Stevens were brought in.

October 2015 - Collier Stevens handed over its report about the dangerous condition of the building, and recommende­d two immediate steps: To remove concrete panels of the rooftop parapet, and to put up a full scaffold.

November 2015 - Full scaffoldin­g was erected around the whole building

December 2015 - Rooftop concrete panels removed

March 2016 - Kent Police said it was reviewing the long term future of the building. Ch Insp Kevin Dyer said residents could rest assured that levels of policing in Ashford would not change.

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