Kentish Express Ashford & District

Objections to homes plan will be ignored


Another leaflet protesting at the proposed housing developmen­t which they call Great Burton Farm has been delivered today through my letterbox. My first criticism is that there is no author to this document. Should anyone take any notice of it if no one is prepared to take responsibi­lity for it?

It claims that together we can stop: Severe traffic congestion. No we can’t, we already experience it.

Wider infrastruc­ture issues. It would increase existing problems.

Air pollution. Nothing has been done to counter traffic pollution.

An environmen­t disaster. They are already going down that road.

Loss of Grade ‘A’ agricultur­al land. No chance! The existing Little Burton Farm housing estate was built on Grade ‘A’ land, despite protests against it for this very reason. Also, thousands of tons of sand were imported to raise the ground level at parts of the estate about two metres above the flood plain.

Trying to disguise home sizes to facilitate extra parking is bad enough but if we must build houses, then we need smaller homes or first-time-buyers. We need safe cycleways to places of importance, William Harvey Hospital, station, etc. They could restrict car ownership to one per household?

One could go on.

From my experience over many a long year, one can object as much as one likes but the council will ignore you and any proposed developmen­t will get their go-ahead eventually.

But, whoever produced that objection pamphlet must put their head above the parapet and declare who they are.

Ted Prangnell,


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