Kentish Express Ashford & District

Doctors urged to prescribe walking to save NHS cash


A councillor used a meeting of Kent County Council’s public health committee to claim GPs should be prescribin­g walks in the countrysid­e to save the NHS money.

Cllr Matthew Balfour (Con) believes going outside could do more for patients’ health than “a handful of pills”.

However, GPs have said they should not be expected to save money because the government has not funded the NHS adequately.

Cllr Balfour said: “If the doctors would only, rather than a handful of pills, prescribe somebody to go for a walk in one of our country parks everyday we would save money for the NHS.

“There are loads of studies across the country that have shown huge benefits for just being outside. I mean the Japanese do it and have special walks that they can prescribe. “Why can’t we do that?”

Cllr Geoff Lymer (Con) echoed his colleagues’ concerns during the public health and health reform cabinet committee meeting.

He added some members of the community can be seen walking for miles.

He said: “We should take a leaf out of the books in Shepway, where a lot of the Nepalese, former Gurkhas, see their families walking miles.

“You would see them five miles plus away from Folkestone and they don’t seem to have the mental health problems that some of the indigenous do.” KCC’s deputy director of public health Dr Allison Duggal reassured councillor­s her department is on the case.

She said: “This is something we are looking at as part of the local care and multidisci­plinary teams and also the work we are doing about making every contact count trying to help people with physical activity. “There’s a lot of evidence around being outside, being in green spaces and so we are going to try and promote that.”

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