Kentish Express Ashford & District

Level of excitement has Milnes buzzing


Matt Milnes admits he has never felt the level of excitement that is currently blossoming throughout the Kent squad ahead of the 2019 season. The fast bowler is preparing for his maiden campaign at the club having arrived from Nottingham­shire at the tail end of last year.

A growing sense of anticipati­on has since engulfed the St Lawrence Ground in light of Kent’s long-awaited return to Division 1.

Milnes said: “It’s very exciting, now you see the ground getting prepared you feel the start of the season coming. “I’m looking forward to the challenge of getting in that first squad and hopefully making my debut in that first game.

“Everyone is buzzing, there’s an energy about the club that you can feel down on the field and that I’ve not really experience­d before, I can’t wait for the first game now.

“It’s a very exciting group that could potentiall­y achieve a lot over the next few years. I believe next year is a big year for this club going forward, we have to establish ourselves and make a name for ourselves in Division 1. You’ve got to go into every game expecting to win.”

The 24-year-old enters the season with 14 first-class wickets to his name and a career best of 4-44 for Notts against Essex last June.

On his individual targets, Milnes added: “As long as I’m performing to what I feel like is the best of my ability game in game out that’s all I can do. “Then hopefully the wicket tally will take care of itself.”

Kent will be led by newly-appointed interim captain Heino Kuhn amid the absence of Sam Billings and Joe Denly for the start of the season.

The South African emerged as an obvious choice in the eyes of head coach Matt Walker having become a popular figure since signing in March 2018.

Milnes said: “He seems like a lovely guy, the lads speak really highly of him so I’m looking forward to getting to knowing him better.

“He’s got a wealth of experience so hopefully I can learn a lot from him. “It’s quite a young squad with a few older heads which is brilliant for that balance.”

 ??  ?? New signing Matt Milnes
New signing Matt Milnes

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