Kentish Express Ashford & District

Plan for more village homes dealt a blow


A plan to introduce 19 homes to a village has suffered a setback.

The houses were set to be built on Old Clockhouse Green in Challock, but fierce opposition has been faced by developer Cox Developmen­ts Charing Limited.

The scheme was deferred by Ashford Borough Council’s planning committee earlier this month.

Originally earmarked for 15 homes, the number rose to 19, with the scheme comprising 11 market houses and eight affordable homes, which the developer said would provide a “diverse” range of housing.

To the south of the applicatio­n site, which is accessed off the A252, the same developmen­t company has already built six houses after gaining planning permission in 2014.

But following a speech from Cox’s agent at an Ashford Borough Council planning meeting earlier this month, Cllr Larry Krause said: “Challock Parish Council doesn’t approve of it and I don’t agree with the agent because of the soakaways and ecology report.

“This was done at the cost of an adapted house for a disabled person with ties to the village.

“There’s no mention of broadband provision, there’s a mention of contributi­ons towards a path but it doesn’t say how much.”

In response to the impassione­d objection, Cllr Paul Clokie said: “I wonder whether based on that we should defer this?

“When we start talking about flooding and drainage, I do think it’s reasonable to go back and ask them.”

The vagueness of drainage systems on the site was a major sticking point, despite an assurance that KCC officers had found it feasible.

Regarding the water mitigation, Cllr Jessamy Blanford said: “We want to have it in black and white before we approve, because there’ a mistake here and it could be a big mistake.”

Cllr Neil Shorter then supported and seconded the motion to defer.

He said: “The comments Cllr Krause has made need to be responded to and this would be an opportunit­y for the parish not to be pushed aside but to be given reasons why this should be brought forward.”

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