Kentish Express Ashford & District

Catapult youths ‘rip heart out of seagull’


A dead seagull was found with its heart ripped out after allegedly being hit by a catapulted projectile.

A witness recounted seeing the aftermath of the attack which happened near Otterden Close in South Ashford last Tuesday - at the same time homes were also targeted by the weapons.

Earlier this year, the Kentish Express revealed how Ashford sees the most reports of catapult crime in Kent, with windows being frequently smashed and people suffering injuries.

The horrified witness, who lives in Kennington, said: “I was passing through and a small child was holding up a dead and bloody bird.

“I advised him to let go of it, go home and wash his hands.

“They went on to explain to me that it was a dead seagull that a group of kids had catapulted to death and had taken out the heart.

“They asked me if I would call the police, but I advised them to get straight home to tell their mum and ask her to phone the police as I have no idea who this gang is or names or descriptio­ns.

“I think they may have been hanging out near the old police station but can’t be sure.

“It was disgusting.

“It was apparently a seagull - so the kids said - but it was just a bloody body with a couple of tail feathers which the little boy was holding it up by.

“Taking the heart out of that bird is seriously sick and doubt if they would worry about hurting people, especially if on their own.”

A police spokeswoma­n confirmed officers were called to a disturbanc­e in Otterden Close involving a group of young people.

She said: “Officers attended the area however the group had dispersed prior to their arrival.”

Statistics released by police show that of the 80 slingshot reports made in the county last year, 27 of them were in Ashford – compared to only 10 in the district in 2016.

The attacks have seen windows damaged, animals injured and even a cyclist hurt by a rock in Shadoxhurs­t.

It is not illegal to own or carry a catapult unless a solid link can be found between the carrier and a crime.

 ??  ?? A group of youths were using catapults around Otterden Close but had left the area when police arrived
A group of youths were using catapults around Otterden Close but had left the area when police arrived

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