Kentish Express Ashford & District

Why I wrote this story…


My dad, Ron Green (I was given the same name), was a private in the 5th Buffs and captured as he tried to defend the Arras road outside Doullens with what he thought was a First World War rifle.

Two of his company officers and some of his platoon were shot around him.

He thought he was going to die too, but was one of the many who became a prisoner of war. VE day was five years away.

Dad, who was 22, endured shocking conditions as a prisoner in Poland.

He was made to work in coal and lead mines, harvest sugar beet from frozen fields and forced at gunpoint to dig up bodies and remove gold teeth from the remains.

In January 1945, he was one of 30,000 Allied prisoners forced to flee the approachin­g Russians.

Some of the unfit and poorly clothed PoWs died of exposure, exhaustion and hunger in the bitter Polish winter. Somehow my dad got to Salzburg in Austria.

He was repatriate­d by the Americans and sent home in May 1945.

Back in Kent he discovered that bombing had flattened his family home in Station Road, Strood, and he had a new sister.

He had also developed TB [tuberculos­is] and a few years later lost the best part of a lung in a life-saving operation.

For my lovely dad the war never really ended. He had terrible nightmares.

As a boy I became accustomed to being woken by his cries.

In his 60s he told me the nightmares were triggered by talking about the war or war films – that was after 40 years.

He was only 66 when he died in 1984, soon after retiring as a wholesale newsagent.

Bits of this story are based on what little he told me. The rest comes from war diaries, the Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Museum in Maidstone, internet forums and two books.

Retreat and Rearguard, Dunkirk 1940, by Jerry Murland, says the plight of the

Territoria­ls was a “massacre of the innocents”.

The War in France 1939-40 by Major LF Ellis describes them as “pawns set out on a board”.

 ??  ?? Ron Green died in 1984
Ron Green died in 1984

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