Kentish Express Ashford & District

Anger over parking price hike


Eager customers returning to the shops on Monday faced a hike in parking prices, sparking anger across the district.

The increase in fees was agreed by Ashford Borough Council (ABC) in January, and implemente­d in April.

The move has seen car park prices increase by about 10%, taking in both Ashford and Tenterden.

This means stays of up to one hour have gone up from £1.10 to £1.20, and all-day stays in longterm car parks have increased from £5 to £5.50.

Drivers were previously paying £2.20 for up to two hours, but that has now been pushed up to £2.40.

Before the decision was made, an excerpt from the council report on the hike reads: “The main risk of increasing charges is there is a consequent­ial decrease in car park usage.

“Car park charges have not however been increased for three years and the increase is modest.

“They are also necessary to cover the rising costs of operating our car parks.”

But as the changes were brought in while the country was under lockdown, many residents are only discoverin­g the new charges now.

And the decision to carry on with the plan despite shops and high streets needing support post-lockdown has sparked a furious response, with many feeling the change should have been postponed.

Ashford business owner Shen Sen, who runs a number of sites including the John Wallis pub, said: “It was bad enough with the last prices, with this increase they are just going to drive more and more people away.

“The council should be giving us free parking, not raising the prices.”

Mr Sen’s thoughts were echoed by Tenterden resident Sue Ferguson, who sits on the town council and described the change as “really disappoint­ing”.

She said: “It feels like a stab in the back for Tenterden - it is shocking behaviour.”

 ??  ?? Ashford Borough Council decided to increase the charges in January and the changes were brought in while the country was under lockdown in April
Ashford Borough Council decided to increase the charges in January and the changes were brought in while the country was under lockdown in April
 ??  ?? Drivers are facing the increased charges across the district - including in Vicarage Lane car park
Drivers are facing the increased charges across the district - including in Vicarage Lane car park

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