Kentish Express Ashford & District

Diversity of opinion crushed by zealots


In response to Ed McConnell’s column (June 11) to assert that the organisati­on Black Lives Matter is a force for good is undermined by their actions in London and elsewhere over the last couple of weeks. The rioting and looting we have all seen recently is not a cause for celebratio­n.

The removal of statues without popular consent, the revisionis­t history, the attempt to control what we can see on TV, what books we can read, what we are allowed to say and think is in the worst traditions of Mao Tse Tung and Lenin. They actually want to defund the police and yet our own Chief Constable takes the knee in submission to this group of zealots.

What is equally as bad is the cowardice shown by our politician­s, corporatio­ns, academia, police and media world who have to a man and woman caved in to this pressure. Anyone who stands in the way of this totalitari­an force is removed from their career. Any attempt at viewpoint diversity is crushed. There is only one view permitted, the BLM view.

If there is anyone reading this who cannot see the danger this represents to our fundamenta­l freedoms, I suggest a trip to Specsavers.

BLM are using the vehicle of racial equality and justice to garner support. They use words like equality, social justice, inclusion, equity and diversity and talk of white privilege.

I would respectful­ly suggest that supporters of BLM who think this is about anti racism should recognise they are being used as part of a much wider agenda, much of which is kept hidden.

I just hope that enough people wake up to the Orwellian future hoving into view and have the courage to stand against it, even at some personal risk.

Neil Cox

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