Kentish Express Ashford & District

Over-reaction costs us dearly Test is part of the problem


So far, Covid-19 has accounted for around 40,000 UK deaths but these are mainly to elderly patients with underlying medical conditions.

Most other individual­s who catch it are only mildly affected and fully recover – the worldwide recovery rate is around 96%.

Most fatalities are to individual­s who die with – but not necessaril­y of – the virus.

Therefore government measures enacted are unwarrante­d and are not justified by events.

They represent an hysterical over-reaction.

The Black Death wiped out at least one third of the population; ‘Spanish’ Flu snuffed out over 200,000 Brits.

We are nowhere near these levels; if we were there would be CV deaths in every street and every family in the land would be affected.

Covid-19 is little more dangerous than the flu – but we don’t wreck the economy or curtail ancient liberties every time that breaks out.

These measures are also unconstitu­tional and illegal – no government or parliament has any right to bar peaceful assembly, or to dictate who should enter or leave a private residence.

Only totalitari­an states do that. They also do more harm than good – far more will die from cancelled NHS operations, etc, and from anxiety-related disorders that government created fear has produced.

All the government’s restrictio­ns to our freedom are based on the results of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab test, invented in the 1980s by Kari Mullis, who subsequent­ly won

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