Kentish Express Ashford & District

Let’s avoid another round of lockdown


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard friends and relatives tell me how bored they are as they suffer the fallout from lockdown.

There is, I suppose, a limit to how many jigsaw puzzles they can tackle or games of patience they can play.

Living alone without being able to mix socially, only exacerbate­s the problem. There are few outlets to express their frustratio­n other than to open a window and vent their spleen at the top of their voice like Peter Finch did in the film Network.

Meditation would help control their anxiety and lower their blood pressure but making raids on the refrigerat­or to snack is more appealing and provides greater comfort - until, that is, they step on the bathroom scales and take a reading!

With the PM’s recent announceme­nt of easing lockdown restrictio­ns in stages, there’s reason for some optimism since his roadmap could fulfil his intention of being a route to our freedom. However, if the R rate climbs much above one, then it will signal a return to our homes for another round of lockdown and a spell of boredom.

Michael Smith

It is true as Mr Stitch (letter, March 11) says that the “trading relationsh­ip between the EU and UK is not fit for purpose” but it is what the electorate voted for.

While Brexit could mean or not mean lots of things, the one thing it did mean was a customs border re-establishe­d for half our trade with the world.

Before the referendum, this point, and the obvious fact that the Good Friday agreement would be seriously compromise­d by it, were explicitly stated by the “alarmist” Remainers.

Dr N.P. Hudd

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