Kentish Express Ashford & District

Out of touch on cost of living


At a time when the cost of living is climbing out of range of large numbers of people, including people on benefit, low wage earners, and many pensioners, a member of the government - who

have just removed the triple lock on pensioners so that pensions will not rise in line with inflation - the Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion, writes a letter suggesting that some pensioners might be able to claim extra support.

He even urges us to phone in and beg for support.

For years pensioners’ organisati­ons have fought for justice for pensioners, drawing attention to the fact that we have some of the worst pension provision in Europe.

Like many of my generation, I was brought up to hate the concept of charity.

People fought for their rights, one of which was universal provision from birth to death for all people.

From each according to their ability; to each according to their need.

The great reliance on food banks is an insult to people in one of the richest countries in the world. It is the wrong way to meet a need that should not exist within a society such as ours.

This is not a sectarian plea for one section of the community. It is a demand that our society be organised on a fair and just basis for all people, whatever their position.

It is not right that a small section of the community should have immeasurab­le wealth whilst others struggle and have to choose whether to eat or to keep warm.

It is possible to change this situation, but not with the attitude shown by the Minister. Wages, benefits and pensions need to be equitably determined so that all can live lives that enable people to be fully part of and contributi­ng to the community in every respect.

I am no idealist. We have seen in the past that by united action we can overcome great problems and work together to achieve common goals.

Sadly, our politician­s have lost touch with the people and so the people are ignored.

Ralph A. Tebbutt

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