Kentish Express Ashford & District

Another gym? Surely we have enough already

- Stuart Barton kentishexp­

So, a firm called David Lloyd Leisure has applied to build a huge health club in Ashford.

From the article in last week’s KE, I gather there will be membership fees applicable, but I couldn’t find what they’d likely be for Ashford.

Since enquiries needed to contain a valid phone number, and since this meant a portable phone number, I had to give up my search.

I noticed that the facilities would include a gym – as if we haven’t got enough gyms already spread across every part of the town. Being a devotee of the sedentary life, I must say that I strongly disapprove of such enterprise­s.

Since it is widely held that football – another of my dislikes – offers an outlet for the energies of disaffecte­d youths, it seems strange to me that

Ashford, and the proposed health club, seems not to have a designated area in which our local yobs and vandals can kick the bejaysus out of each other instead of wreaking havoc all around the place.

In view of the fact that Sir Kier Starmer’s widely-held reputation as a ‘faux Tory’, I find it surprising that his nolonger-truly-Labour

Party seems so far ahead in the polls.

I, like many others, cancelled my membership of the party when he took it over, killing any sense of idealism.

I’m also appalled that he supports the government’s continuing supply of arms to the Israeli’s near-genocidal destructio­n of the Palestinia­ns in Gaza.

It’s odd, isn’t it, that the American and British attitudes only changed when some aid workers were killed ‘accidental­ly’?

I wholeheart­edly agree with Ms Jean Rolfe’s comments on many people not living within their means (last week’s letters to the editor).

What she didn’t mention is the greed of some unions, Aslef for one. Train drivers are paid thousands. While their claim for improved working conditions may hold water, the damage they’re doing to the economy and the harm they do to other workers deserves condemnati­on. They’re far from being hard up.

‘Being a devotee of the sedentary life, I strongly disapprove...’

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