Kentish Express Ashford & District - What's On



(Serves six to eight)

For the base:

150g digestive biscuits

60g butter, plus extra for greasing

1tbsp demerara sugar

For the topping:

200g white chocolate

1 x 250g tub of full fat mascarpone cheese

300ml pouring double cream

1tsp vanilla extract

500g fresh raspberrie­s

1tbsp icing sugar

You will need a 20cm round spring-form tin with deep sides, and a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle (optional). Butter the base of the tin and line with a disc of baking paper.

To make the base, measure the biscuits into a resealable freezer bag and use a rolling pin to crush into crumbs but with a bit of texture.

Heat the butter over a low heat until just melted. Add the crushed biscuits and sugar and stir until combined. Spoon into the base of the tin and press with the back of a spoon until level. Chill in the fridge.

Break the chocolate into a separate bowl and sit it on top of a pan of simmering water. Stir until melted then leave for five to 10 minutes until cool but still liquid.

Mix the mascarpone with a spatula to loosen until soft, stir in the cream and vanilla extract until smooth.

To make a coulis, place half the raspberrie­s into a blender. Add the icing sugar and whizz until runny, then pour through a sieve to remove the seeds.

Pour the melted chocolate into the bowl with the mascarpone mixture and stir to combine.

Spoon half the white chocolate mixture onto the biscuit base in the tin. Use the handle of a teaspoon to make a few small holes in the white chocolate mixture, pushing right down to the top of the biscuit base.

Pour or pipe enough of the coulis into the holes to fill them, setting aside the rest for decorating the cheesecake. Spoon the remaining white chocolate mixture on top and smooth and level. Cover with clingfilm and chill in the fridge for at least six hours, ideally overnight.

To serve, arrange the rest of the raspberrie­s on top and drizzle over the coulis.

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