Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Roundabout­s’ weedy welcome


It’s now the height of summer and Canterbury should be looking at its best for its citizens and tourists.

But the main entrances to the city and some of the roundabout­s are once again overgrown with weeds, Buddleia bushes, thistles and grasses.

Some roundabout­s carry advertisin­g placards – half hidden by weeds – stating ‘such and such a company has sponsored this roundabout’ so what is the situation? How can this be acceptable? Canterbury City Council’s reply to my tweet ‘Why oh why is Canterbury such a mess’ brought the answer ‘I don’t know, this is KCC’s responsibi­lity not CCC’s’.

That’s as may be but shouldn’t we be hearing that Canterbury City Council is lobbying hard to make sure we have the power to return our once beautiful city to its former glory?

Why are the bean counters of Maidstone allowed to let our city get into this shameful state?

Let’s run a campaign alongside the litter one to restore civic pride to Canterbury and make our city one to be proud of. Lynette Coleman Pinetree Avenue, Canterbury

I had always thought the signs promoting various companies on the city’s roundabout­s were there to raise money for their upkeep.

Judging from the weed-infested state of some if not all of those roundabout­s I must have been misinforme­d or very naive to have assumed money raised would actually be used for the purpose intended.

On a more positive note congratula­tions must go to the highways department for growing the most magnificen­t hollyhock, spotted a week ago on the central reservatio­n of the city bypass in the Merton farm area, It must be at least 8ft tall! Peter Goodall Vicarage Lane, Nonington, Dover

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