Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

A pint-sized issue for the PM on referendum brewery visit


It is a brave politician who stages a PR event in a brewery – with the possible exception of Nigel Farage. So hats off to David Cameron, whose first EU referendum foray into Kent was held at the Faversham HQ of the well known brewery Shepherd Neame.

He was duly given a tour around the brewery but the big question is whether he had enjoyed a pint as part of it.

It seems it may have been a little early in the morning as the PM confessed to accompanyi­ng media that he had only supped a small sample “and very nice it was, too.”

Looks like Nigel Farage’s crown as the pub politician won’t be taken from him any time soon.

And talking of the Ukip party leader, there is much speculatio­n about whether he would stand again in South Thanet should there have to be a re-run.

He has deflected questions about that by saying he is concentrat­ing on the EU referendum and doesn’t want anything to distract from that. He used a similar excuse when the party was campaignin­g in the last EU elections when everyone wanted to know whether he intended to put himself forward as the South Thanet candidate for Ukip.

Still, confidence is something Nigel Farage has plenty of. He has bet £1,000 on a Brexit win at odds of 5-2 meaning he could win £3,500. Or 4,493 euros.

Exactly when will we know the EU referendum result? The best guess of the Electoral Commission is that it will be “about breakfast time”. The obvious question? Do they mean full English time or continenta­l time?

One of the features of the EU referendum is the somewhat bizarre political coalitions it is producing. Our favourite press conference so far is the one featuring a bunch of Minis, the Conservati­ve leader alongside Labour veteran Harriet Harman, Lib Dem leader Tim Farron and Green MP Caroline Lucas. That’s what is called a rainbow alliance.

Follow Paul on Twitter @ Paulonpoli­tics for news, comment and the odd bit of gossip.

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